Cell: +1 (919) 793 6102
Email: brian (at) stengaard.eu
Digital plumber. Clicks the tubes together that apparently makes up the internet. Enjoys standing on the shoulders of giants in order to compose great software. Hates software that is sitting on the laps of dwarves and limits the operator. Opioniated about infrastructure, but always learning.
Maintain, operate and scale an extremely complex SaaS product. Balance product direction with operational feasibility.
Building and maintaining a build and deployment pipeline. Scaling and upgrading MySQL. Developed internal tooling for reporting of build failures.
Building and maintaining a build and deployment pipeline. Building tools that allow developers to deliver their apps even faster and while increasing repeatability.
Worked on Business Support Systems, managing thousands of customer. Primarily fixed/ADSL.
Student job doing server rollout, network operations, version control access, CFengine
Thesis: Digital Radio Mondiale - A Software Decoder .
Embedded work on Motorolla/Atmel chips
English, Danish, (German in a pinch,) Go, Python, C, Shell, Ruby, SQL, Java
AWS, debian packaging (dh_*), haproxy, puppet, chef, capistrano, Jenkins CI, Cloudformation/terraform, Nagios, MySQL, PostgreSql, freeradius, Git(hub), Varnish / Fastly, DNS (route53), RabbitMQ, Ubuntu/Debian